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questions: RAYMOND'S RUN
1. What major responsibility is Squeeky given?
2. Why do a lot of people refer to Raymond as Squeeky's little brother?
3. How did the protagonist obtain the nickname Squeeky? Why?
4. What do the big kids call Squeeky? Why?
5. Who is the only person that can beat Squeeky in a race?
6. List the three (3) reasons why Gretchen cannot beat Squeeky.
7. Why does Squeeky keep Raymond on the inside, close to buildings, when they walk on the road?
8. Why does Raymond always keep up with his sister when she trains for track?
9. Why does Squeeky decide NOT to avoid the girls by ducking into the candy store?
10. Why does Squeeky believe that girls never really smile at each other?
11. Why does Squeeky take her time in getting to the park on May Day? What does this reveal about her character?
12. List the names of the hree (3) races. In what race is Squeeky a participant?
13. Describe the manner in which Squeeky prepares mentally for a race.
14. What are Squeeky's views on Raymond's running ability? What subsequent plans does she consider?
15. Who was the winner of the race?
16. What point of view is used to tell the story?
Contributor: Leisa Samuels-Thomas