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questions: BLACKOUT
1. Why was the city in a partial blackout?
2. Why should the young woman at the bus stop be afraid? Why was she NOT afraid?
3. Describe the young man that was approaching the young lady.
4. Why was the young lady intrigued by the young man?
5. Why did she NOT want to give him a light from her cigarette?
6. How did she expect him to light his cigarette by using her cigarette?
7. What did she do with the cigarette after the young man took the light?
8. How did the young man react to her actions? How did the girl, in turn, react to him?
9. List some of the thoughts that came to the young lady as she spoke to the gentleman?
10. What did the man do when the bus drove off?
11. What point of view is used in this story?
12. What plot structure is used in this story?
Contributor: Leisa Samuels-Thomas