Paper 03/1 (S.B.A)
Paper 03/2 (Alternative to School Based Assessment)
- This SBA is credited for both English A and B, so only 1 SBA is required for the 2 subjects.
- The SBA is conducted by a group; of 4-5 students sharing a general topic.
- Each group member will create a portfolio, individually, that is based on an issue, topic, theme, or event.
- The portfolios will be assessed on an individual, as well as a group basis.
- The portfolio has six sections; plan of investigation/ participation measure/ indicators of group activity/reflection/ written report/ oral report.
- PLAN OF INVESTIGATION: An introduction that should be no more than 100 words.
- It should answer the following questions; Why did you choose this issue/topic/theme/event? What are the expected benefits to you as a student? How do you intend to collect relevant information on your issue/topic/theme/event and use this in your presentation?
- PARTICIPATION MEASURE: A measure of the candidate's individual participation assessed by self and teacher.
- INDICATORS OF GROUP ACTIVITY: 3 pieces of data (print/audio/visual media) must be collected and presented in the portfolio and should address the issue/topic/ theme/event.
- These media will form the basis for the process of inquiry and group/individual activities.
- REFLECTION: 3 entries are required, in which students reflect on the issue/topic/theme/event that should be completed.
- 1st entry indicates how each piece of data helped to shape his or her(s) thinking about the issue/topic/theme/event. 2d entry should discuss the use of language in the data selected and 3d journal entry should state how the process of doing the SBA helped the student to become a better person.
- The journal entries should be written in class, under the supervision of the teacher.
- WRITTEN REPORT: This is a summary of the processes, procedures, and outcomes of the research. It should include the data collected, reasons for the selection of data, and analysis of the data.
- This should be 200-250 words in total.
- ORAL PRESENTATION: A personal response related to the issue/theme/topic/event should be delivered orally in 3 to 5 minutes.
- Delivery should be in standard English and in a genre of the student's choosing, for example; drama, poetry, prose, role play, speech, argument, and exposition.
- The student should give a brief overview of the presentation. This includes the genre that is chosen, the sources, and the language that is used in the data.
- Paper 03/1 is worth 45 marks and contributes 21% to the final assessment.
Paper 03/2 (Alternative to School Based Assessment)
- This is an alternative paper to the SBA.
- This paper consists of a guided critique of three pieces of stimulus material: 1. an excerpt from a recent newspaper article on a topical issue 2. a cartoon strip or lyrics to a song on the same topical issue 3. a poem, short story, public speech (extract) on the same issue.
- Students will answer 3 questions: 2 questions will require short answer responses and one question will require the creation of an imaginative piece in response to the theme selected.
- Students will be required to respond to questions based on an oral presentation.