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1. State what the poem is about.
2a. Quote the three similes in stanza 1. b)Explain each simile. 3. "Pregnant clouds" and "the wind whistles by" are examples of what two devices? 4a. The phrase "Turning sharply here and there" implies movement. To what sense does this phrase appeal? b)Quote the line, in stanza 2, that echoes this movement from stanza 1. 5a. Quote the repetition in the poem. b) What is the purpose of the repetition? 6a. Quote the onomatopoeia from stanza 2. b) What is the effect of this onomatopoeia? 7a. "Clothes wave like tattered flag is an example of what device? What is the ( purpose of this device? 8. What are "jaggered blinding flashes"? 9. What is the effect of the term "pelting march of the storm". |
Contributor: Leisa Samuels-Thomas