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twelfth night

ABOUT THE AUTHOR (William Shakespeare)
- Born in 1564 and died 52 years later, in 1616.
- Married Anne Hathaway in 1582.
- Unfortunately, any understanding of Shakespeare’s childhood is speculative because children did not often appear in the records that scholars used to attempt to reconstruct ( Shakespeare’s life.
- The main action is about love.
- The lovers must overcome obstacles and misunderstandings before being united in a harmonious union.
- The ending frequently involves a parade of couples to the altar and a festive mood or actual celebration (expressed in dance, song, feast, etc.)
- Frequently (but not always), it contains elements of the supernatural or the miraculous.
- There is usually a happy ending, which is, at times, facilitated through ( supernatural/divine intervention, or may merely involve improbable turns of events.
- Complex plot (as much as four), main plot, and sub-plots.
- Mistaken identities
This play is a love story that is split between two sets of lovers; Viola and Duke Orsino, and Olivia and Sebastian. The play focuses on the separation of the twins - Viola and Sebastian - by way of a shipwreck, and their attempts at making a life in the city of Illyria. Viola decides to don the disguise of a male eunuch and work for Duke Orsino, while Sebastian - with the aid of his friend Antonio - decides to also seek his fortune in the city of Illyria. A case of mistaken identity then occurs, which fosters a love relationship between Sebastian and Olivia, unbeknownst to Viola. Meanwhile, at Duke Orsino's court, Viola (otherwise known as Cesario) is directed, by Duke Orsino, to woo Olivia in his place. During the process of wooing Olivia, Viola (Cesario) falls in love with Duke Orsino, and Orsino himself feels a puzzling attraction to his young androgynous servant, but maintains his interest in Olivia. While this love triangle is occurring, Sir Toby Belch, Maria, Sir Andrew Aguecheeck, and Feste play a joke on Malvolio. They pen a letter, in Olivia's handwriting, in order to give him the false impression that Olivia loves him. This letter instructs him to behave in odd ways. The result is that Olivia believes Malvolio to be mad, and he is subsequently locked in a room and tortured by the plotters. The play ends with the marriages between Olivia and Sebastian, Viola and Duke Orsino, and surprisingly, Maria and Sir Toby Belch. Malvolio ( is released from the room and storms off.
This play is a love story that is split between two sets of lovers; Viola and Duke Orsino, and Olivia and Sebastian. The play focuses on the separation of the twins - Viola and Sebastian - by way of a shipwreck, and their attempts at making a life in the city of Illyria. Viola decides to don the disguise of a male eunuch and work for Duke Orsino, while Sebastian - with the aid of his friend Antonio - decides to also seek his fortune in the city of Illyria. A case of mistaken identity then occurs, which fosters a love relationship between Sebastian and Olivia, unbeknownst to Viola. Meanwhile, at Duke Orsino's court, Viola (otherwise known as Cesario) is directed, by Duke Orsino, to woo Olivia in his place. During the process of wooing Olivia, Viola (Cesario) falls in love with Duke Orsino, and Orsino himself feels a puzzling attraction to his young androgynous servant, but maintains his interest in Olivia. While this love triangle is occurring, Sir Toby Belch, Maria, Sir Andrew Aguecheeck, and Feste play a joke on Malvolio. They pen a letter, in Olivia's handwriting, in order to give him the false impression that Olivia loves him. This letter instructs him to behave in odd ways. The result is that Olivia believes Malvolio to be mad, and he is subsequently locked in a room and tortured by the plotters. The play ends with the marriages between Olivia and Sebastian, Viola and Duke Orsino, and surprisingly, Maria and Sir Toby Belch. Malvolio ( is released from the room and storms off.
Viola (Cesario)
Sea Captain a friend of Viola
Fabian a gentleman in Olivia's household
Valentine a gentleman attending Orsino
Curio a gentleman attending Orsino
Viola (Cesario)
- A gentlewoman who gets stranded along the shores of Illyria as a result of a shipwreck.
- She is aided by a captain, who gives her information about Duke Orsino and Olivia.
- She decides to disguise herself as a eunuch and work for Duke Olivia.
- She ends up falling in love with the duke.
- She is very brave to take control of her life in the way that she does.
- Sebastian's twin sister.
- She marries Duke Orsino by the end of the play.
- Viola's twin brother.
- A gentleman who gets stranded along the shores of Illyria as a result of a shipwreck.
- He is aided by his friend Antonio.
- He falls in love with Olivia and eventually marries her.
- He is the Duke of Illyria.
- He believes himself to be in love with Olivia, but seems to be more in love with being in love.
- He is attracted to his androgynous servant.
- He ends up marrying Olivia by the end of the play.
- An Illyrian noblewoman
- She has spurned the company of men for seven years, in order to mourn the death of her father and brother.
- She falls in love with Cesario (Viola) upon their first meeting.
- She ends up marrying Sebastian.
- He is the head servant in Olivia's house.
- He does not have a good impression of Toby, due to his drinking, and Feste, due to his fun-loving nature.
- He has a haughty ( towards the servants in Olivia's household.
- He is tricked by Maria, Feste, Sir Toby Belch, and Andrew Aguecheek.
- He is believed to be mad, by Olivia, after he follows the instructions in the letter.
- He storms off, by the end of the play, when someone remembers that he was still locked in the room.
- He is a jester, or fool, in Olivia's household.
- Despite being a jester/fool, Feste appears to be very witty and clever.
- He assists the plotters by donning the disguise of Sir Topas and assisting in the torture (mental) of Malvolio.
- She is Olivia's maid.
- She is very witty and clever.
- She harbours a dislike for Malvolio.
- She pens the letter that they use to fool Malvolio.
- She marries Sir Toby Belch by the end of the play.
- Olivia's uncle.
- He is often drunk.
- He conspires with Maria, Feste, and Sir Andrew to play a joke on Malvolio.
- He marries Maria.
- He represents disorder and fun in the play.
- A friend of Sir Toby Belch
- He is one of the conspirators in the plot against Malvolio.
- He was brought, by Sir Toby Belch, to woo Olivia.
- He is, in fact, the real fool in the play, not Feste.
- He is an excellent friend to Sebastian.
- He is integral in his role in promoting the trope of mistaken identity in the play.
Sea Captain a friend of Viola
Fabian a gentleman in Olivia's household
Valentine a gentleman attending Orsino
Curio a gentleman attending Orsino
Act 1
Scene 1
The scene opens with Duke Orsino expounding on his love for Olivia to Curio and Valentine. Valentine explains that Olivia has decided to hide her face from the public for seven years, in remembrance of her father.
Scene 2
Viola is stranded on the shores of Olivia and a sea captain gives her information about the duke and Olivia, he also reports seeing Sebastian hanging on to a mast on the sea. Viola then decides to don the disguise of a male eunuch and become a servant in Duke Orsino's home. She asks the sea captain to keep this plan a secret and introduce her, in disguise, to the duke.
Scene 3
Sir Toby and Maria discuss Andrew Aguecheek's wooing of Olivia. They discuss his character, to which Toby has only good to say, and Maria has only bad. Sir Andrew then enters and the audience realizes that Maria's opinions are more accurate than Sir Toby's. Sir Andrew is doubtful of his abilities to woo Olivia, but, upon the encouragement of Sir Toby, he decides to stay for another month and continue to woo Olivia.
Scene 4
Valentine comments on the fact that Cesario (Viola) is highly favoured by Duke Orsino. The duke then enters and requests that Cesario (Viola) woo Olivia for him, in exchange for wealth and freedom. It is during this discussion that Cesario (Olivia) realizes that she is in love with Duke Orsino.
Scene 5
Maria rebukes Feste for his absence, and then Olivia enters. She asks them to take away the fool, but the fool, Feste, reacts by calling Olivia the fool. He then successfully proves that Olivia is indeed the fool. Malvolio interrupts and reports that a persistent young man is at the gate. Olivia goes to see the young man, Cesario and has an entertaining discussion with him. When he leaves, she realizes that she is in love with Cesario (Viola), and sends Malvolio to find him and deliver a message to him, as well as a ring that he had left behind.
Act 2
Scene 1
Antonio and Sebastian have a conversation. Sebastian believes that Viola has drowned and is very sad. He decides to go to Count Orsino's court and Antonio decides to follow him.
Scene 2
Malvolio catches up with Cesario (Viola) and returns the ring. He also gives Cesario (Viola) the message that she rejects Duke Orsino and that Cesario (Viola) should return to her to report that the Duke has accepted her rejection. Cesario (Viola) denies leaving a ring with Olivia and comes to the realization that Olivia has fallen in love with him (her).
Scene 3
Toby and Andrew have fun with Feste by making him perform for them. Malvolio then enters and chastises them for being drunk in Olivia's house. Toby does not like this and Maria devises a scheme to make Malvolio look foolish. They decide to plant a letter that allows Malvolio to believe that Olivia loves him. This will feed his self-importance.
Scene 4
Orsino wants to hear Feste sing a particular love song. While he waits, he questions Cesario about his love life and gives him (her) advice. Feste then sings and Orsino is pleased. He sends Cesario, with renewed energy, to woo Olivia. Cesario tentatively proposes that a woman might love him as he does Olivia Duke Orsino brushes her off, but listens to Cesario's (Viola) tale of just such an unrequited love. He enquires after the girl and Cesario (Viola) hints that it might be him (her), but Duke Orsino does not pick up on the hint.
Scene 5
Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Maria, and Fabian listen, indignantly, to Malvolio's daydreams about Olivia, as well as his plans for them. Malvolio then finds the letter and is convinced that it has been penned by Olivia to him. He reads the letter and decides to follow the instructions.
Act 3
Scene 1
Cesario (Viola) and Feste talk. Cesario (Viola) observes that Feste only acts the fool, but is in fact wise. Sir Andrew and Toby have a short discussion with Cesario, and then Olivia enters and requests that Cesario never speak of Duke Orsino. She also admits to using the ring to get Cesario (Viola) to return and that she is in love with Cesario. Cesario (Viola) reacts by stating that he (she) does not and cannot return that love. Cesario asserts that he will not come back to woo her for Duke Orsino again.
Scene 2
Sir Andrew decides to leave because of the attention that Olivia shows to Cesario (Viola). Fabian responds by telling Sir Andrew that Olivia acts that way to exasperate him and that he must build on this opportunity. Sir Toby, based on Fabian's evaluation, suggests that Sir Andrew challenge Cesario to a duel. The audience then learns that Malvolio has followed the instructions given in the letter to a 'T'.
Scene 3
Sebastian and Antonio talk. They discuss the danger that awaits Antonio in the streets of Illyria, so Antonio decides to remain indoors and attend to their room and board. He gives Sebastian money and advises him to spend it wisely during his sightseeing in the town.
Scene 4
Olivia ponders on how to prepare for Cesario's (Olivia) arrival. When she asks for Malvolio, she is told that he is acting strangely. Olivia witnesses this 'strange behaviour' and asks Maria to take special care of Malvolio. Maria, however, decides to take Malvolio to a room and have fun with him. Sir Toby reads Sir Andrew's letter to Cesario (Viola) and declares it to be unacceptable. He makes ( the decision to deliver Sir Andrew's challenge to Cesario by word of mouth, in order to frighten them both. Olivia offers Cesario a jewel, which he rejects, and asks him to visit her again tomorrow. Sir Toby enters and delivers Sir Andrew's challenge to Cesario (Viola). Cesario (Viola) wants to know why this challenge has been delivered and Fabian frightens him with tales of Sir Andrew's prowess in fighting. Toby then locates Sir Andrew and frightens him about Cesario's (Viola) prowess in fighting. Sir Andrew and Cesario draw swords to fight and Antonio interrupts. He is, however, arrested. At that point, he asks Cesario (Viola) to return his money, but Cesario (Viola) is confused and offers to loan him half of the little that he (she) has.
Act 4
Scene 1
Sebastian encounters Feste and believes him to be Cesario. Feste asks him what message he would like him to take to Olivia. Sir Andrew greets Sebastian with a strike and Sebastian beats him up. Olivia intervenes and invites Sebastian to her home.
Scene 2
Maria disguises Feste as Sir Topas. He visits Malvolio and tells him that it is light and that he is mad to think that it is dark. He plays a further trick on Malvolio where he pretends to be both Sir Topas and himself, Feste, discussing Malvolio's madness. Malvolio requests a pen, paper, and light in order to write a letter to Olivia.
Scene 3
Sebastian agrees to marry Olivia, after marveling at the situation that he finds himself in.
Act 5
Scene 1
Cesario (Olivia), Duke Orsino, and his men visit Olivia's home. They encounter Antonio and Duke Orsino asks him why he is in Illyria. Orsino tells the Duke that he is traveling with Sebastian and how he has protected him. It is at this point that he curses Cesario, who he believes to be Sebastian, about how he has betrayed him by stealing his money and pretending not to know him. At this point, both Cesario (Viola) and Duke Orsino are confused. The discombobulation continues when Olivia enters the scene and starts addressing Cesario as if she is speaking to Sebastian, her husband. Duke Orsino then gets angry at Cesario's apparent betrayal. A priest confirms the marriage and the Duke orders Cesario (Sebastian) and Olivia to leave his sight and never approach him again. At this point, a third layer of confusion is added when an injured Sir Andrew enters and tells of the fight between himself, Sir Toby, and Sebastian. Upon seeing Cesario (Sebastian) accuses him of the attack, and Olivia sends them to get medical attention. Sebastian then appears, at last, apologizing for beating up Sir Toby and Sir Andrew and exclaiming joyfully at seeing Antonio. At that point, Sebastian and Viola are reunited after questioning each other and confirming their relationship. Duke Orsino, unperturbed at the turn of events, then reminds Viola of her vow of love to him, which she confirms, and he asks to see her in female clothing. It is at this juncture that everyone remembers Malvolio. Olivia orders that he be set free after hearing about Maria and Sir Toby's plot against him. Malvolio is very angry, however, and vows revenge. Duke Orsino sends someone to find women's clothes for Viola, as well as to placate Malvolio, then announces a double wedding. Feste is left on the stage, singing a song.
Act 1
Scene 1
The scene opens with Duke Orsino expounding on his love for Olivia to Curio and Valentine. Valentine explains that Olivia has decided to hide her face from the public for seven years, in remembrance of her father.
Scene 2
Viola is stranded on the shores of Olivia and a sea captain gives her information about the duke and Olivia, he also reports seeing Sebastian hanging on to a mast on the sea. Viola then decides to don the disguise of a male eunuch and become a servant in Duke Orsino's home. She asks the sea captain to keep this plan a secret and introduce her, in disguise, to the duke.
Scene 3
Sir Toby and Maria discuss Andrew Aguecheek's wooing of Olivia. They discuss his character, to which Toby has only good to say, and Maria has only bad. Sir Andrew then enters and the audience realizes that Maria's opinions are more accurate than Sir Toby's. Sir Andrew is doubtful of his abilities to woo Olivia, but, upon the encouragement of Sir Toby, he decides to stay for another month and continue to woo Olivia.
Scene 4
Valentine comments on the fact that Cesario (Viola) is highly favoured by Duke Orsino. The duke then enters and requests that Cesario (Viola) woo Olivia for him, in exchange for wealth and freedom. It is during this discussion that Cesario (Olivia) realizes that she is in love with Duke Orsino.
Scene 5
Maria rebukes Feste for his absence, and then Olivia enters. She asks them to take away the fool, but the fool, Feste, reacts by calling Olivia the fool. He then successfully proves that Olivia is indeed the fool. Malvolio interrupts and reports that a persistent young man is at the gate. Olivia goes to see the young man, Cesario and has an entertaining discussion with him. When he leaves, she realizes that she is in love with Cesario (Viola), and sends Malvolio to find him and deliver a message to him, as well as a ring that he had left behind.
Act 2
Scene 1
Antonio and Sebastian have a conversation. Sebastian believes that Viola has drowned and is very sad. He decides to go to Count Orsino's court and Antonio decides to follow him.
Scene 2
Malvolio catches up with Cesario (Viola) and returns the ring. He also gives Cesario (Viola) the message that she rejects Duke Orsino and that Cesario (Viola) should return to her to report that the Duke has accepted her rejection. Cesario (Viola) denies leaving a ring with Olivia and comes to the realization that Olivia has fallen in love with him (her).
Scene 3
Toby and Andrew have fun with Feste by making him perform for them. Malvolio then enters and chastises them for being drunk in Olivia's house. Toby does not like this and Maria devises a scheme to make Malvolio look foolish. They decide to plant a letter that allows Malvolio to believe that Olivia loves him. This will feed his self-importance.
Scene 4
Orsino wants to hear Feste sing a particular love song. While he waits, he questions Cesario about his love life and gives him (her) advice. Feste then sings and Orsino is pleased. He sends Cesario, with renewed energy, to woo Olivia. Cesario tentatively proposes that a woman might love him as he does Olivia Duke Orsino brushes her off, but listens to Cesario's (Viola) tale of just such an unrequited love. He enquires after the girl and Cesario (Viola) hints that it might be him (her), but Duke Orsino does not pick up on the hint.
Scene 5
Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, Maria, and Fabian listen, indignantly, to Malvolio's daydreams about Olivia, as well as his plans for them. Malvolio then finds the letter and is convinced that it has been penned by Olivia to him. He reads the letter and decides to follow the instructions.
Act 3
Scene 1
Cesario (Viola) and Feste talk. Cesario (Viola) observes that Feste only acts the fool, but is in fact wise. Sir Andrew and Toby have a short discussion with Cesario, and then Olivia enters and requests that Cesario never speak of Duke Orsino. She also admits to using the ring to get Cesario (Viola) to return and that she is in love with Cesario. Cesario (Viola) reacts by stating that he (she) does not and cannot return that love. Cesario asserts that he will not come back to woo her for Duke Orsino again.
Scene 2
Sir Andrew decides to leave because of the attention that Olivia shows to Cesario (Viola). Fabian responds by telling Sir Andrew that Olivia acts that way to exasperate him and that he must build on this opportunity. Sir Toby, based on Fabian's evaluation, suggests that Sir Andrew challenge Cesario to a duel. The audience then learns that Malvolio has followed the instructions given in the letter to a 'T'.
Scene 3
Sebastian and Antonio talk. They discuss the danger that awaits Antonio in the streets of Illyria, so Antonio decides to remain indoors and attend to their room and board. He gives Sebastian money and advises him to spend it wisely during his sightseeing in the town.
Scene 4
Olivia ponders on how to prepare for Cesario's (Olivia) arrival. When she asks for Malvolio, she is told that he is acting strangely. Olivia witnesses this 'strange behaviour' and asks Maria to take special care of Malvolio. Maria, however, decides to take Malvolio to a room and have fun with him. Sir Toby reads Sir Andrew's letter to Cesario (Viola) and declares it to be unacceptable. He makes ( the decision to deliver Sir Andrew's challenge to Cesario by word of mouth, in order to frighten them both. Olivia offers Cesario a jewel, which he rejects, and asks him to visit her again tomorrow. Sir Toby enters and delivers Sir Andrew's challenge to Cesario (Viola). Cesario (Viola) wants to know why this challenge has been delivered and Fabian frightens him with tales of Sir Andrew's prowess in fighting. Toby then locates Sir Andrew and frightens him about Cesario's (Viola) prowess in fighting. Sir Andrew and Cesario draw swords to fight and Antonio interrupts. He is, however, arrested. At that point, he asks Cesario (Viola) to return his money, but Cesario (Viola) is confused and offers to loan him half of the little that he (she) has.
Act 4
Scene 1
Sebastian encounters Feste and believes him to be Cesario. Feste asks him what message he would like him to take to Olivia. Sir Andrew greets Sebastian with a strike and Sebastian beats him up. Olivia intervenes and invites Sebastian to her home.
Scene 2
Maria disguises Feste as Sir Topas. He visits Malvolio and tells him that it is light and that he is mad to think that it is dark. He plays a further trick on Malvolio where he pretends to be both Sir Topas and himself, Feste, discussing Malvolio's madness. Malvolio requests a pen, paper, and light in order to write a letter to Olivia.
Scene 3
Sebastian agrees to marry Olivia, after marveling at the situation that he finds himself in.
Act 5
Scene 1
Cesario (Olivia), Duke Orsino, and his men visit Olivia's home. They encounter Antonio and Duke Orsino asks him why he is in Illyria. Orsino tells the Duke that he is traveling with Sebastian and how he has protected him. It is at this point that he curses Cesario, who he believes to be Sebastian, about how he has betrayed him by stealing his money and pretending not to know him. At this point, both Cesario (Viola) and Duke Orsino are confused. The discombobulation continues when Olivia enters the scene and starts addressing Cesario as if she is speaking to Sebastian, her husband. Duke Orsino then gets angry at Cesario's apparent betrayal. A priest confirms the marriage and the Duke orders Cesario (Sebastian) and Olivia to leave his sight and never approach him again. At this point, a third layer of confusion is added when an injured Sir Andrew enters and tells of the fight between himself, Sir Toby, and Sebastian. Upon seeing Cesario (Sebastian) accuses him of the attack, and Olivia sends them to get medical attention. Sebastian then appears, at last, apologizing for beating up Sir Toby and Sir Andrew and exclaiming joyfully at seeing Antonio. At that point, Sebastian and Viola are reunited after questioning each other and confirming their relationship. Duke Orsino, unperturbed at the turn of events, then reminds Viola of her vow of love to him, which she confirms, and he asks to see her in female clothing. It is at this juncture that everyone remembers Malvolio. Olivia orders that he be set free after hearing about Maria and Sir Toby's plot against him. Malvolio is very angry, however, and vows revenge. Duke Orsino sends someone to find women's clothes for Viola, as well as to placate Malvolio, then announces a double wedding. Feste is left on the stage, singing a song.
Contributor: Leisa Samuels-Thomas
[Editor] Story Donno, Elizabeth. The New Cambridge Shakespeare: Twelfth Night. (Cambridge, New York) Cambridge University Press, 2003.
[Editor] Story Donno, Elizabeth. The New Cambridge Shakespeare: Twelfth Night. (Cambridge, New York) Cambridge University Press, 2003.